What I offer

Multidimensional Kinesiology

Multidimensional kinesiology is an ancient ascension, energy balancing system that works on all levels of the being, light bodies, templates, chakras and dimensional pathways to raise your connection to universal energies through filtered Infinite Love for self-healing, mastery and personal power.

In this informational age, we are subject to so many more suggestions, data, stimuli, frequency fields(Wi-Fi, etc.) & programming than at any other time in history. 

With this overload- it's so easy to lose connection to our intuition, truth and grounded awareness.

If you are experiencing disconnection to your own natural rhythm, overwhelm, distraction & lack of purpose... you are not alone; it is something that is being experienced in mass.

Regular sessions support you in releasing modern pollution, including ancestral, societal, and artificial intelligence, and accelerate your spiritual growth while raising your vibration to new levels of wellness, creativity, self-awareness and intuition.

If you desire to be & live the clearest possible expression of YOU and create through YOUR brilliance

I would love to help.

Bespoke packages can be created to meet your specific goals and needs, such as;

Business, house cleanse, property sales, animals, children, transitions, relationships etc.

Vibrational Remedies

Vibrational remedies are divined to address your specific needs and work at an energetic level to promote healing, balance & transformation from within.

Start Your Journey Towards Inner Radiance Today

Ready to unlock more of your potential and experience spiritual healing? Contact Susan Walling and discover how multidimensional kinesiology, vibrational remedies, and intuitive guidance can support your personal and spiritual growth.